Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Love... cont'd in song...

 The sincere humility Keith Green sang with is evident. His music gave all glory to Christ and truly edified believers. 

I was exposed to his music after his death... one wonders why the Lord called him home so early, but thankfully, due in large part to the internet, we can still sing along with Keith. 

What glory it will be one day to sing praises to our precious Heavenly Father together....


  1. Thank you for stopping by and joining my blog. I hope it was an encouragement. I have hopped around on yours and will be back! I appreciate your take on why you wear skirts and what we need to really look great :) also, my husband is a fan of Keith Green, though I had not heard of him before we married.

  2. Thank you for the visit and for your kind words. :)
