Saturday, June 4, 2011

My Garden Journal

How could such sweet and wholesome hours be reckoned but in herbs and flowers? ~Andrew Marvell


I love it.
It is so much fun! Yup, really.

We plant a seed in the soil, water it, it sprouts, and produces food for us.

How cool is that??

I love to pull weeds and hoe.(I know, there must be something wrong with me!) What fun it is keeping my garden looking good and growing strong. I get a lot of satisfaction pulling those little weeds out of there! And it is a great chance to play in the dirt. Fun, fun, fun!

How awesome to think that we plant, we water, and God gives the increase! 

I am amazed and thrilled every time I see a little plant popping up through the soil where I had placed a seed.

Along with the actual gardening, I also enjoy keeping a garden journal.

Here are a few pages:

It is basically just a record of what I plant, when, and where, and how well it produces.  ~~Please ignore the messy penmanship!

I add in some poetry and quotes for fun.

"All my hurts my garden spade can heal. A woodland walk, a quest of river grapes, a mocking thrush, a wild rose, a rock-loving columbine, salve my worst wounds." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is only my third year keeping a garden journal and I have found it very helpful to look back over the past 2 years and see what grew well and what didn't.
The roses fauld their silken leaves,
The foxglove shuts its bell;
The honeysuckle and the birk
Spread fragrance through the dell.
Let others crowd the giddy court
Of mirth and revelry. 
The simple joys that nature yields
Are dearer far to me. 
~Robert Tannahill

Plans for this year..... 
"The best is yet to be." ~Robert Browning

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