Thursday, December 2, 2010

He had me; hook, line, and sinker.

Approximately five days a month I volunteer at the local food pantry.  It is a fun time. On occasion the work can be tiring or messy (like sorting through bags of potatoes to get out the few rotten ones- YUCK!). However, most days the time is passed by just chatting with folks and giving them items they need. Amongst us workers we share laughs (a LOT of laughs) and sometimes tears. There is a lot of joy to be found in serving others. I highly recommend it - find a place in your local community and volunteer. Whether you help out at a food pantry, a library, or homeless shelter, let me assure you, YOU will be the one blessed the most by the experience. 

One little blessing (treasure) I received today came from a handsome little guy who was less than three feet tall. This little guy kept looking me in the eye and smiling a cute little grin. He did not want to break eye contact. He would step behind a person or around some boxes or behind a rack and then look right back at me and grin that cute little grin. I tell you that little guy knows the way straight to a woman's heart (future heart-breaker there, I'm sure. ~wink~) He had me hook, line, and sinker. That cute little smile and the look -directly in my eyes even from far across the room, really made my day. 

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