Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!

In just a little over 24 hours, a new year will begin. 

A fresh, new year,

a clean start, 

a time to plan, organize 

and dream...

Don't you just love the thought of it?

What will 2011 hold for me? for you? What does God have planned for us? It is exciting to think of all the possibilities. Without a doubt, 2011 will hold some heartache, some testing, and some stretching. But we also know that if we trust in Him, He will guide us through it. 2011 will undoubtedly contain many pleasant experiences for us as well. And lets face it, shall we? If we did not experience any hard times the good times would not be as sweet, would they?

Praying YOU have a wonderful 2011- in which you draw closer to Christ, experiencing His Love and direction for life.


Monday, December 13, 2010


I have been asked several times recently what my favorite color is. It struck me as an odd question. I hadn't been asked that in many years and now in the past month or so, I have been asked that question three times, I think. Each time it has caused me to pause and think about just what my favorite color actually is. Although in the past I have had decided favorites, when asked recently, it took me a few moments to decide. I listed several in response each time, finally settling on one.

During my teens my favorite color was light blue, no other color mattered. And if I could pair it with a darker blue in an outfit, making "two-tone" blue, that was all the better.

During my twenties and thirties, my favorite was dusty rose (mauve).

Now I find I like several colors and at first I was unable to settle on a favorite. 

You see....

I love red - love to WEAR it.

I love blue- love to SEE it  -- in the sky (a not so common occurrence here in Maine this time of year).

I love the greens of mosses and ferns - I love to TOUCH them.

And I love brown. Brown is the sort of color you FEEL. Brown is soft, and warm, yet it is strong (think of the mighty oak.)  It is the color of chocolate. (Yum, yum, yum!) It is such a rich, smooth color.

So I have settled it. ~smile~  

My favorite is brown - not the dull, lifeless brown of a dead leaf, but the deep, rich brown of a chocolate tootsie pop or of brown eyes. The kind of brown that has a sheen and a shine to it. I am crocheting a shawl just this color now, just can't wait till it is done and I can snuggle up in it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Disclaimer: I have mentioned before I love having a blog and enjoy writing in general. I love words. Love to read them, write them, play with them, manipulate them.

I have at times even intentionally mis-used grammar in my posts to make a point or just to make it sound better or because I like to use ---dashes--- (and parenthesis.) 

One of my favorite books is the Rod & Staff English Grammar Handbook. Honestly, it is.

So, if you read a post and notice a participle dangling,  improper: use, of, punctuation: (excessive use of parenthesis), or ---dashes--- and 


odd places. 

Please understand, I am writing for the enjoyment of it and in most cases, I do know better. Really, I do. :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Beauty of a Snowstorm

Snow. I love it.

I do not necessarily enjoy driving in it, but I do love the fluffy, white, cold stuff.

I love snowshoeing - although I go at the pace of toddler (no kidding). I love to go sledding down a really good hill. ---If someone is there with a snow sled to take us back up, that makes it all the better. (~wink) 

I love to make snow-forts - well, I have in the past enjoyed watching my sons make snow-forts. (~smile)  

And honestly, who doesn't enjoy a good snow ball fight?

However, my favorite activity in the snow is just going for a walk. For now, I just head out in my rubber boots, but when the snow gets deeper I strap on my snowshoes and head for the woods. I don't go far, that isn't the point, I just go out and ENJOY it. There is something MAGICAL about walking during a snowstorm. The world is hushed and lovely snowflakes are falling all around me, like it is a wonderland made just for me. The beauty of it takes my breath away at times.

It is so peaceful out there in the snow.  Somehow it dissolves away all my troubles for the few moments I am out there. I come back in with new resolve and new energy to continue on.

That beautiful falling snow that God sends to us helps to make our world a softer, gentler place. He could have just left our world stark, gray, and cold during winter but He chose to send us this beautiful snow. I'm glad He did.  

And it makes our lives a bit more fun as well. Don't you agree?



Thursday, December 2, 2010

He had me; hook, line, and sinker.

Approximately five days a month I volunteer at the local food pantry.  It is a fun time. On occasion the work can be tiring or messy (like sorting through bags of potatoes to get out the few rotten ones- YUCK!). However, most days the time is passed by just chatting with folks and giving them items they need. Amongst us workers we share laughs (a LOT of laughs) and sometimes tears. There is a lot of joy to be found in serving others. I highly recommend it - find a place in your local community and volunteer. Whether you help out at a food pantry, a library, or homeless shelter, let me assure you, YOU will be the one blessed the most by the experience. 

One little blessing (treasure) I received today came from a handsome little guy who was less than three feet tall. This little guy kept looking me in the eye and smiling a cute little grin. He did not want to break eye contact. He would step behind a person or around some boxes or behind a rack and then look right back at me and grin that cute little grin. I tell you that little guy knows the way straight to a woman's heart (future heart-breaker there, I'm sure. ~wink~) He had me hook, line, and sinker. That cute little smile and the look -directly in my eyes even from far across the room, really made my day.